LGBTQ+ Travel


This site is your guide to queer + female travel all over the world.

I’m Jen, a queer female traveler who has been navigating the complexities of travel as an LGBTQ+ person for almost a decade now.

I believe that no matter how you identify, travel can be an empowering, safe, and fulfilling experience.

As a white, cis-gendered, femme, passing queer woman, I know that I have a lot of privilege, especially when traveling in traditionally non-queer friendly countries. There are many hardships and concerns that queer people of color, trans or non-binary folx, and other members of our community have experienced that I have not. At the same time, there are many hardships and concerns that I have experienced that my straight friends have not. I know that as queer people, no matter how we identify, before we head out on that vacation, business trip, or honeymoon, there are a few extra things we need to think about, such as:

Will I be safe on this trip?

Should I disclose to locals that I am queer?

Can I be affectionate with my partner on this trip?

Is it ethical to even visit this destination?

These are all questions I’ve had to think through time and again. Even if I’ve visited a country before, I still think through these things before a new trip, because with the constantly evolving political landscape, things can change very quickly. Thankfully, with thorough research, some discretion, and certainly a bit of luck, I have so far been able to travel the world safely as a queer person. And I know that you can too.

Being queer is a part of me, but it doesn’t define me. This blog is a complete resource for people who – like me – love to travel, and may also happen to be members of the LGBTQ+ community. You’ll find resources for queer travel and safety, but you’ll also find destination guides that can be enjoyable for anyone. After all, at the end of that day, I’m just a person, ready to grab my boarding pass and step out into the world.

Ready to get started? Here is a collection of my best resources for queer travelers!

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